Mom again: how long should I wait for the next pregnancy?

You are a young mom and, of course, you love your kid… But you can’t stop feeling that there’s something missed. Is it about life experiences like travelling or about your career? Maybe you just need more “me time”. Anyway, you are absolutely free to do what you really want and get in control of your life.

Motherhood is a choice and we always understand women, who are not ready to have three kids in a row. Your body also needs a rest. Taking care of your health is the most essential thing in every woman’s life.

This is why we kindly recommend the easiest way of birth control. By taking your fertility under control with Levoplant, you also get freedom. And when you are ready to become a mother again, you can simply remove your implant. Do implants cause birth defects? No, please, don’t worry; contraceptive implants do not delay the return of a woman’s fertility after they are removed and it won’t affect in any way the health of your future baby.

Levoplant can give you the freedom to take a break, focus on your kid and be the greatest mother you are meant to be. Once it’s been inserted, you don’t have to think about it. And when you feel like it, you can remove it to get pregnant again.

Levoplant is a reversible method of contraception. It won’t interrupt your life or affect your fertility, making it harder to get pregnant in the future. In fact, it’s possible to get pregnant as soon as you remove your implant. What about the removal of the implant? Contraceptive implant removal takes about five minutes. And you should feel absolutely normal after getting your implant taken out.

Many of you, women, are asking yourselves: “How long should I wait or how soon can I get pregnant after getting the implant removed?” The truth is that it’s possible to get pregnant right away. So, as soon as the implant has been removed, you’ll no longer be protected against pregnancy.

Levoplant is such a nice and easy way of contraception that can stay with you for 3 years. Therefore, if you feel like taking a break after a first pregnancy, it’s a perfect contraception method. Once you feel ready to jump back to motherhood, just remove it. And for those of you who are wondering how long you should wait for the next pregnancy? Well, life is yours and you should manage it your own way! Just be ready for it and healthy.

Hats off to all of you mamas!

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